It really is! I'm prolly going to register there sometime soon.
8D Awesome! Now you can get pretty graphic requests and all of that. I'm glad there is a more open-minded and relaxed graphic site out there, tbh. A lot of them seem kinda ridiculous and strict for the help and resources they're supposed to be providing, so..Breath of fresh air to see one that is not uptight and more relaxed.
I'm tempted to ask to see that forum just because I'm curious about what those pple did with the idea, but I don't want to be subconsciously influenced or whatever by it. Maybe after I finish working on TT.
Okay, caves and non-canon RP sections are a go!
It was interesting! if I could find it again and it's not locked down on maintenance mode, I'll definitely give you the link when you're finished on TT. That way you're not influenced by it, but you can see how some people worked with it.
8D Yay! I see you used the skin too, hehe. I've been lurking at the site quite a lot off and on. I really like how it's coming out so far.
Thought on it, and I made a rule against char doubles, with the exception being ones that are widely different from each other, like the 80s Ninja Turtles vs. the new versions.
That's a good idea, because I didn't think about that- you're right, some of the versions are like totally different characters, so in those cases there's more of a reason to allow doubles. I like your logic!
This adorable artwork is credited to my lovely friend, Mandy <3 I'm still impressed she made my most twisted, dark triangle look cutesy!